Music Materials Center

The Music Materials Center (MMC), a branch library of the James White Library, provides specialized music reference service, recordings and listening facilities, scores, and reference materials to support the study of music. Primary areas of study supported include performance, music history and literature, music theory and composition, church music, music education and music studied as part of the general education curriculum.

The center houses compact discs, long-playing records, scores, and books. The major portion of the James White Library's collection of books on music are housed in the stacks of the main library. The library's Information Services Department also houses basic reference sources on music. Periodicals and videos on music are also housed in the main library.

Location & Address

The MMC is located on the lower level of Hamel Hall, the music building.

Music Materials Center

Hamel Hall
Andrews University
Berrien Springs MI

Phone: (269) 471-6217


Intersession Hours

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
 Call x6217   Call x6217  Call x6217 Call x6217 Call x6217 Call x6217


Marianne Kordas

Director, Music Materials Center
Phone: (269) 471-3114

Finding Materials

Music materials are listed in JeWeL, James White Library's online catalog, and/or in the MMC card catalog. All books, sound recordings, and some scores can be found through JeWeL. The JeWeL catalog can be searched by:

  • Author(composer, or major performer)
  • Title
  • Subject
  • Keyword from author, title or subject
  • Call number
  • Manufacturer or publisher number (for scores and sound recordings only)

The JeWeL display indicates the building location and specific locations within each building. Recordings and videos are in closed stacks and must be requested at the MMC or Multimedia Center circulation desk.

MMC staff are available at all times to help patrons understand the cataloging system and locate materials. Please ask!!!

Reserve Materials

The MMC maintains a reserve collection of materials needed for class assignments. Books and scores in this collection circulate for 2 hours, 4 hours, 1 day, 3 days, or 1 week according to the instructor's request. Recordings do not circulate. The fine for overdue reserve items is $1 per hour that the library is open.

Who May Use the MMC?

All patrons who hold a valid Andrews ID or James White Library community card have borrowing privileges. Others are welcome to use materials in the library, but must surrender a driver's license or keys when using reserve materials or sound recordings.

General Circulation Policies

MMC books and scores may be borrowed for outside use, except for specified reference books. Sound recordings must be used in the library. Loan periods are as follows:

Fines are $.50 per day the library is open.

  • Scores, 2 weeks
  • Monuments and collected works of composers (M2, M3), 1 day
  • Books, 1 week

Fines are $.50 per day the library is open.